Owners are very important to our stable and we strive to give them the best experience possible. We have an open door policy and encourage our owners to regularly come along to the stables to visit their horses. If they are early risers they can come along to track work or if not we always have a beer or a wine in the stable fridge after the afternoon shift.

We believe that it enhances the racehorse owner experience if the owners come and see their horses and get to know the other owners in the stable. It is amazing how often they discover that they have many shared interests not just horses and horse racing.  

We put on regular stable sausage, bacon and onion roll breakfasts on a Saturday mornings during track work and have found these to be a great way for the owners to mingle and share common interests.  We also have more formal stable functions throughout the year including the stable lunch and ladies pink picnic day.  

Racehorse ownership is a hobby and should be fun so come along and join our stable!

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